Sunday, November 16, 2008
People who went:kelun's mother(pai seh dun noe how to spell), ah ben(叔叔 ), michelle(婶婶) ke lun (大哥), ah peng (大嫂 ), jia lun (三哥 ), hui ling (三嫂), chun zheng( 四哥), me, wei lun(六弟), jun xian(nephew), joanne(maid).
so.. i stay in the same room as cz, haha.. the cutest thing is that we only have a queen size bed. cos we are all suppose to be couple. da ge da sao, san ge san sao, shu shu shen shen, so wei lun kelun mother, me and si ge become couples. lol.. and because me and cz was late for the promotion and all, we pay more and we have the queen size bed.. so corny.. 2 guys on a queen size bed.. lucky we are cousins.. lol.. and quite close.
so 14th nov when we first reach batam, we went to our room unpack and we went to swim, the swimming was CMI. it's dirty, the slide is faulty, the whole pool can only be describe as CMI. after that the rest got their promotion package massage, so me and cz went to play ping pong. but our ping pong is the ping pong all stlye. objective is that make the ball cont no matter where the ball go. so we sweat like some dog. because we are like running around to safe each other's lousy shot. [most of the time my shot is the lousy one] after that, we book a mini bus it cost 90 S$, but at least we can travel everywhere. so we reach the first destination- nagouya hill shopping centre. it's quite big. and we saw alot of massage salon. anw.. we were all very hungry so we went to find a place to eat. we cant decide on whether we should eat A&W, BFC(best fried chicken) or local kopitam. in the end we went for the kopitam.
we order some local dishes and tom yam soup.. as we start eating, all the dishes were spicy.. so we start to rain. then when we started to drink the tom yam soup, we start to rain like cats and dogs. it's too spicy and hot, but it is shoik so we rain and drink, drink and rain..
after our raining meal, we went to the shopping centre to shop for one hrs. as usual me and cz go together again.. we are like racing car in the shopping centre.. after we started to shop, we choing from 1 shop to another to another, when we see something we like, we stop and ask for discount then ask and ask then buy then next shop. so we walk, cut, buy, walk, cut buy. and in the end of the 1hrs, cz spended nearly 100 SGD. he bought alot of things.. i'm jus like his sidekick to help to cut the price. cos most of the time, he went to girl's shop to buy things for his lao po. we also bought 40SGD worth of tibits and drink for the night. ( some of the shops we ask for discount might have banned us)
next we went to another shopping centre. we find that there is nothing to shop, btw, wei lun went with us. so since cz got no money le. we decided to go to the arcade to play game. so we went the arcade and buy a card for 60,000 RP = 9SGD. then we went to play those lame game in the arcade to earn ticket to change for things. then we found a machine that can use to cheat, the machine suppose to give only around 5 to 10 tickets per game, but we play with the sensor and we get 55 tickets per game. but while doing the last few times, the manager of the game saw me then i run.. anw after all the cheating we got 400plus ticket in 1 hr.. and we exchange 200over chocolate. it's worth it.. as we leave, i realise i lost my wallet so we ran up to the arcade again, and after some time, we got it back, it's with the guy who saw me cheating. lucky he give me if not i so going to kill him. lol.. (the arcade might have banned us for playing there)
ok after this we went to eat seafood dinner, ke lun kor kor say we only have 400k so ask the person to prepare some food for us, we want crab, prawn, fish, vege, egg. but in the end the food was not satisfying so we add 100k for some more, but still not good, in the end we jus forget it and eat the 500k worth of lousy food. so then when ah ben shu shu payin for the food the person who serve us keep on directing him to the cashier to pay and the cashier count the food till it reach 700k. so he was angry and jus put 500k there and we left. (another banned place for us)
next we went back to the hotel, we wanted to go out for night life but the driver say his children got into the hospital and have to leave so we have no choice but to go back to the rooms. i went to rest awhile first and the rest of them are coming to me and cz room to play cards and drink beer. they came in while i was still asleep and i woke up thanks to all the smoke.. lol.. anw we play some big and small game. the objective is that the smaller card will drink the glass of watever that have been pour by everyone. (btw there is only beer and ice, so ya..)
then the one who got the most is ke lun kor kor, then he keep passing us to help him clear this beer, the least who got is me and wei lun but we drink quite alot thanks to the helping.. and after we clear 4 bottle and 12 can of beer, and 4 small bottle of vodka mix, we all went to slp.
end of first day- the next 2 day i type another time.. cos one day is so long liao.. make me lazy to type the rest.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
agape over-sea trip
it's a tuition center oversea trip.. i go for the trip as a teacher.. haha..
ok so.. the first day. sit some small mini bus for 10-12pax kind to go to port dickson(suppose to be 4hrs journey)
for dunoe wat reason, the bus say he coming earlier so we like have to wake up at 6plus to go to the center to do sai kang(carry water and stuff to the meeting place)[btw the us mean me, yi hao and mrs yeo]
by the time we reach the meeting area, i see like a few kia su kids already here.. lol.. but it's a good thing they go so early.. haha.. then all went up the 2 buses. me with my brother gang in one bus with a few more small kids + teacher sherry, the rest in the other bus. [ 4teacher, 4 sec student, 12 pri student]
then the journey to the place increase to around 5 to 8 hrs, thanks to the driver, dunoe what they doing, 2 drivers suppose to let us meet every stop but then the every stop, something went wrong then the two buses nv meet. and my bus driver abit cute. dun noe how to go to the eagle ranch.. nid to ask a few passer-by.
ok so when we reach there, waited awhile to check in, after bunking in(me with the 4 sec student 1room) we decided to go swimming. wheee, so long nv swim, then we play some water polo but is anyhow play one. then afte that we go play go-kart.. it is not bad jus abit ex(20rm-10sgd for 5 laps and the lap is quite small) but overall it is fun cos we all play to drift.. haha.. some of the players even bang into the wheels on the side of the road and go into the grass patch and 2 nearly fall into the pond in the grass patch. the kids went to try paintball, we wanted to play the war kind of paintball but it is too bloody ex.(45rm-50ball) so we nv play.
then night came, alot of funny stuff happen in the room, some common things- ritz is the first to slp. then alot of jokes are cracked.
2nd day- all damn tired woke up late, even though i nv really slp. the air-con + fan is too cold liao.. then my blanket is on and off one. cos shi hao snatching with me. haha, anw we all woke up go eat the breakfast( btw the food here are sort of Cannot Make It, their kind of good food is only our so-so) then we decided go play ball, but it's too hot, then we all say go swim again. then after that we slack in bunk, playing Big2 etc. then we went to an obstacle course area, while playing. one of the worker called noorlizan(the name that i can nv forget) came and shout like some pig like when the pig is been slaughter then he dun let us cont and so on, so all of us (stop and stare!!! before we go to see the beach) then at night there was a sex talk, a talk given by the teachers for student to ask any question they wanted.. bla bla bla.. not that interesting though. nothing fun or corny. then we went back to bunk. my sec student in the bunk quite cute today.. one stomach ache, vomited. one eye pain, head pain throat pain. so i become a full time nanny to take care of the 2 of them. then the pain guy(ritz) slp liao. me hugo shi hao started to talk about ghost thing. haha.. and it kinda scare their shit out of them, until one of them dun dare go toilet(u all slowly guess who lor) then in the end we watch zohan then shi hao and yi hao knockout. then me and hugo find it no point to wake so we slp too.
3rd day, eat breakfast, go bunk pack up, then we left for singapore. wanted to go melacca to shop but again the bus driver got some problem and so on, so no choice finally we go johor to shop and eat dinner then come back. so the long journey again. then 2 toilet break then finally reach johor's city square.. eat dinner and shop abit(nv really shop la only following ritz to go find his things) in the end we 5 guys act cute.. say go take neoprints, so we went.. haha the print was quite nicely taken and yeah. like it. so then we came back sg liao.. end of trip..
yeah.. tat all and yeah time for me to either go play dota or slp soon. so i end here...
the picture, i think there isn't any pic taken but if i can find i post it up soon. yeah. tat all.. :P
see ya ppl. thanks for reading such a long post. :P
Monday, September 15, 2008
After so long
jus went to see the others posts and realise how out-dated am i and how i miss the fun we have last time when we go out(jive) and one thing that i am ultra disappointed with myself is that i was so busy that i forgotten my gan di di birthday, and jus now jus say a happy belated birthday wishing to him.. WTF!!!
good new: finally i had enough slp, since mon i got no sch.. i slp thru-out the day today. finally re-charged. hope that i will have time to spend time with the ppl i care about more!
Jive nomination, finally back to Jive, it have been so long i contributed to the big Jive family.. so it's time to do so. i hope i wont mess things up.
Going to share in one of the youth fellowship- wow! i never thought of being so call a speaker, but i think i going to be one soon.. hope i dun screw the whole session up..
Eagle Ranch Oversea trip (oct)- going to go to this place call eagle ranch in port dickson, malaysia, not as a tourist but going to go there as a teacher.. so got student to take care. hope we can still play well.. looking forward for the trip.
pre-youth camp event on oct, nov- haven even plan.nid to do it fast..
Youth camp(dec)- sian.. it's like so near liao.. 2month plus more to plan for the youth camp.. and so many thing not done.. haiz.. mus jia you liao lo.. hope it turn out well... :P
christmas- got some event also.. this is still ok.. still far and nothing much is needed from me..
Life will get better(i hope)
P.s if davis come here to see my blog.. here wishing you Happy birthday! hope u enjoyed your birthday!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
rain rain go away, come again another day
today after tuition, wanted to go watch movie with ben and gang.. but Shi hao and ritz dun wan, so they say go my hse slack first, evening go play ball...
so came my hse, they go friendster la, ba ba ba.. but i go to find my LALALAND.. very shiok.. lucky they nv disturb me..if not i kana teleported back from LALALAND, i sure they die. haha.. anw.. evening we went to ritz hse to play ball.. then it was raining.. ultra sian.. so we think deep and shallow till we get a way back to ritz hse.. after tat.. play ball... and wait for ritz fren to come....
finally they came when the sun go down until no light, but tian dark dark.. haha.. so we cont to play..but this time... whoever team lose nid to do push-up.. so ya.. played till near 10, then we go slack and talk cock.. not a bad group to mix with, i think they quite nice la.. haha
anw we play some Big 2 and show some magic then when it is near 11, all went home..
reach my homebase in hougang, i was freaking hungry until i can eat all of u who are viewing this post la.. haa. ok nvm. anw.. ate alot of things- duck wing, curry vege bla bla bla.. now i am super full until even an ant come into my stomach, it will burst. haha. that;s e end of today, my sports day... with alot of lame thing and jokes.. :P
PS: nice to know u all :P haha.. see when we can meet each other... :p
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Teacher is so diff
angry is angry la.. but haiz... all i hope is they can be more discipline and dun take things for granted...
this post is not a complain, they do have their good points..
they are very clever.. can learn things very fast.. and can sometimes add laughter to the class la.. and i am really really happy they all score well for their test. even only after like 3 to 4 lesson with me.. :P haha...
so if u all are reading this.. sorry for my lousy attitude today.. cos i really cant stand it liao.. anyway.. jia you oh!!! i believe u all can do better both in character and studies
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
a tribute to my students.. :P
btw.. some expectation i have for u all..
1. the subject that i teach u, u have to get A for it.
2. you have to get top 10 of your class for the subject
3. you have to get top 10 of your class for overall
lastly(optional) get top 10 in your level..
haha... the first 3 is compulsory.. so people. do well ah.. jia you jia you jia you!!
As for Kor!! hope u have fun for your orientation!! jia you!! god bless!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
farewell KOR
let's back track abit and see what happen ytd....
ytd(19/08/08) i was flying around serangoon, hougang, ang mo kio, kovan like some mad dog.. trying to complete the Surprise(for all those who know, if u dont, too bad.. but u can ask me privately) and i fly from afternoon 3plus to at night 9plus.. i think my wings sure become stronger(ok lame) anw.. then i went to Kor's hse to overnight.. [let me tell u a lame story on a hse full of people: at first when i reach there, i continue the Surprise and i was thinking"yeah.. finish it and go to bed.. slp at Kor's bed or something.. just then, heard that pastor albert is coming and pastor cynthia too.. so haiz.. ok.. no more bed.. nvm at least me and er ge(yan xin) can have the sofa... yeah.. right after awhile... er ge say.. hey esther and qi ying coming.. i was like " haiz.. now not even sofa is left.. but only the floor." what a stupid story that i was dreaming about..(night dream-since it is at night)
then i help out in the packing, checking the weight of the luggage, and so on.. after tat.. we all dont wanna slp, so we watch hillsong's this is our god. and i am ultra hungry thanks to the surprise.. all i ate was a pink dolphin. so i decided to go buy Roti Prata so kor can eat once last time before going to eat gan dang(potatoes in hokkien)..
oh.. forget to say about the flight time..{ it was suppose to be 7 but something wrong it become 6 flying off.. so we also nid to wake up earlier lor.. which is like 3} at 3plus, san ge(terence) came then we become...!!! sai gang warrior!! take the lugguage and all.. :P
1/2 hrs later..........
at the airport.. kor's three big gang was still small.. gang 1: family, gang 2:church, gang 3:school
1hr later...........
the gang before ultra big.. we have a total of near 40 to 50 ppl to send Kor off.. damn cool la.. haha.. :P ok then the usual photo taking and all. bla bla bla.. then come to a session when Kor give free hugs( haha)
then come to some crying scene.. but for me. i have another thinking.. "i must not cry cos kor is only going for a while not forever and if i cry and there is chances that more will cry.. so let's bear with it.. so the water is stuck in my eye there.. haha. "
i didn't noe what to do or say to Kor.. all i can say was, must go online ah.. dun forget me!! something like tat" then he went in, we all say Bye!
to be continue.. i am ultra sleeping liao.. since ytd haven slp.. so haha.. update this entry tml or something ba
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Happy Holiday!!
dunoe what to write but jus here to cover the post.. dun wan to be frozen in this blog.. haha.. cya next time
Monday, July 28, 2008
This is a post on CAC youth sunday, 13th july 2008.
for me it is a very great experience.. first of all, i need to thanks those who have make it possible for the youth item. people like: sidney, laverne, luther, john, lydia, sharmaine, xin yi, wesley, marcus. i noe i cant name them all,but a great big thanks to all of u who have been actively helping me in the singing and practice. and the item time it is very nice..
not forgetting, ps fui, for her ideas and support....
lastly the most contributed person! YAN EN, my gan ge ge.. thanks for helping me to do the remix together. it is the first time we did something like tat together. haha.. it's really fun, and thanks to the wind and all, we re-recorded more than 5 times.. haha but the result was good.. really thanks you....
ok.. so i will upload the movie for u all... sorry the quality is not very good but hope u all enjoy it.. cos i think it is a very nice work. so yup.. enjoy the songs!!
now back to present! yeah.. 2 more week jiu break le.. as in term break. but only 3 week so sian..haha// but at least better than nothing ba! that all for today. cya all another time!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Retreat week.. 10-16
so the first day.. travelling to the place.. i sleep at the back of the bus.. cos the normal last row is 5 seats but our bus only got 4 seat and there is alot of space behind the i lay down and sleep there. ultra shoik.. the driver is like initial D.. turn speed until like running from ghost like tat.. but overall the ride is good.. cos i can fly with the bus.. up and down and slp well. when we reach the place, we have lunch at a mini coffee hse. so small tat all 200 ppl cant fit in..but not bad.. the food are ok. still edible, then when we going to spilt our bunk, i thought we sleeping in the room of the resort. but in the end.. the youth all staying in Attap hse.. at first ok. it wont be that bad.. but after the first night.. wow.. the hse, some no heater, some no air-con, bed got bug, kettle got xiao qiang, whole hse got blood
suckers(mosquito) haiz.. wat a place. ok we bear with it.. and the first few programme, game-the game are quite kiddy. so abit sian. but no choice cos got child and elderly. so bear with it again.. woot.. at night is my worship session.. haha nv practice yet so that afternoon practice and let go for it.. overall the worship is good.. so yeah.. then theme talk.. it was good.. very fruitful.. then it come to the free time at night.. as usual youth dun slp early.. so we went around to talk, play pool, some studying and all.. after that.. when it's time to slp.. i dun wan to slp in the sauna.. so i went to slp with marcus.. phew. the air-con is good here.. but at night.. the air con is too good that i nid to have blanket but i dun have. haha.. so shiver in the bed lor.. haha but ok la.. still can take it.. this first day...
2nd day- too tired to wake up for qt so nv went qt.. haha.. then 2nd day programme is not very appealling again.. so jus let it pass.. until the night theme talk.. ps fui played who am i.. damn nice la.. like it alot.. and after tat.. altar call was made and ppl confess to the Lord and so did i, after i confess and all, i went around to pray for ppl.. this time, god's presense is very strong to all of us there. very nice experience. night time came by and as usual nv go slp.. but after walking around taking the mosquito repellent and all finally came to yihern's attap hse and ask the Fu shi brothers and yi hern to do today's qt cos haven did the qt.. then it is quite a nice experience to lead the qt.. and i realise they are all mature to noe and understand alot of the things that was said. then haha. there's no air-con here, but ok.. after a long time of repair.. the air-con still spoilt. so they pass us a fan to use.. at first we were like. wat a fan to keep us cool.. ok lor.. then they ask me whether am i staying with them for the night.. ok. i stayed.. haha.. i was quite tired le.. and i slept.. the next morning.. complains reach my ear.. Fu yi say i snore, yi hern say he kana punch and i mumble words.. after a long time to recall..i realise i was having a hse of the dead dream and was fighting zombie.. so haha.. all the shouting and fighting i did in the dream was quite real then. haha.. quite funny.. sorry yi hern.. haha.. so the time 4 e 3rd day
3rd day everything quite usual again but today, we have waterbomb-- wow.. a game that i like alot.. but in the end.. i went to help kor with the game so i didn't get to play it. haiz.. haha... but being the judge and all is quite fun.. we have our fun and the youth have their.. haha.. we have a short time to play in the water too.. oh ya the beach is damn nice.. got starfish, fish, crab and all.. and the sand is a very gentle slope.. we went very far in the water and we are still standing.. haha.. so it is quite fun and nice experience again. after the water bomb, we are having talent night preparation. haha.. nice group i have.. we have like 5 youth, and the rest are adult and children(one big family), they went mia, so we didn;t have preparation. when it is time for camp fire.. we jus prepare a kiddy song and that;s it.. haha.. ok.. so evening time, camp fire started.. after it was lighted for like less than 2min, we change place to a stage for the performance.. hah.. wat a nice camp fire without camp fire. haha.. ok after tat.. we have durian for supper. quite nice. and i share my secret abt the durian shell, use it to wash ur hand and mouth, the smell will be gone.. alot of ppl was stunned at the result. haha. ok..then andrew suggest to go the a horror trail made by the me, fulin, norman and andrew went in.. it really feel freaky.. cos no light then the manique are quite scary, if we haven see it in advace we will sure be scare. ok after we finish the whole trail, it is safe enough to bring the youth le.. so we went back to the resort.. reached the lobby, we see later see who wanna go then jus golor.. but becareful of safety tat all, then we saw pris, john tat group playing true or dare so i join in.. after a while when we feel sian, then we went to the place where we have the theme talk.. we played blindmice.. it is ultra fun la.. we dim the light until we can see shadow only.. and we roll, jump, run hide.. and got one instance as the blindmice-james roll on the floor trying to get some one, i run over wanted to jump over him, he stood up.. so BANG! his face kana my leg.. haha.. sure damn pain one.. but super funny.. :P after tat we all went back to the bunk, on the way, we saw ppl at the beach so we went.. we go there play sparkle. damn nice, u all can try this.. light all the sparktle.. like 20 to 30 and throw them up at the same time.. the effect is super good. :P after tat.. i went back to yi hern room, we talk talk chat chat. slack slack, drink drink(can drinks la, no wine) then we slp le.. ok this time, i slept well, no punch no snore, jus a nice sleep for everyone.
so now the last day.. we pack up, check out, went for sharing then we travel le.. we stop at some wulu place to eat our lunch. the lunch no bad la.. then we went to the mama shop to buy things.. woot. i bought like 100rm of things.. haha. eat until like siao.. haha.. ok.. after tat.. we went home.. dota.. haha.. oh ya on the way home, jus realise i nid to lead worship on last sunday. so shit... nv do anything yet. so haha.. after playing dota, do worship till 3plus 4 then cannot take it le.. when to slp..
saturday, suppose to go for a centre outing. bringing the kids out for a swimming trip. but response damn low so nv go.. then at least quite free. so when to marcus hse slack, slp is a better word. wanted to play ball but in the end nv. so all of us there watch tv on the sofa and then knockout.. haha.. then 5pm went to play soccer with xin and gang.. haha.. quite alot of injury.. including xin. leg sprain, knee kana.. then sunday lead the worship, went to mother church to find fulin, then after that.. follow him to his hse to teach him a-math.. but.. the hse was locked. so we climb over the gate.. then main door also lock.. then fu lin say nid to go to serangoon centre to take the key.. then joshua say can climb.. we tried.woot.. can.. fulin climb in and open the door for us.. haa.. so we studying studying till like evening. joshua went home. then it's dota time. i played till 12plus.. then i no money.. but i flag a cab. the cab drove me to a bus-stop with the bus that is still in service and i went home with the bus.. then i fell sick.. so haiz.. one day sick.. hope i tml can go back sch le.. haha.. ok.. that all.. such long post again. ok la.. i see if i got picture to post i post lor.. haa.. if not.. use ur imagination
Monday, May 26, 2008
wat a day
first in the morning.. the aftermath like i said..
next in line.. My fren got heat stroke , high fever.. went into icu... now jus change back to normal ward..
next one of my didi feeling down, i think he keep quite long then now then burst.. 2nd time see him cry.. haiz
next.. a gal think she is on the verge of death, ate some jelly, lucky nothing happen.. what the hell..
things do like to find me.. the good things is i got some brother around who shows me alot of care and concern.. ppl like ZH, KM, WL, my 5 Da to Xiao Bro etc.. but credit to KM, ZH, WL and jared.. thanks for ur encouragement.. will get back on track soon ba..
i will get better soon, hope time can help me faster.. also thanks to the fren around me.. take care ppl.. may tml be a better day for all of us.. god bless
Sunday, May 25, 2008
2nd day of recovery
ytd went to play one of my fave ball games, captain ball.. stopped playing it for nearly 1month.. luckily nv lose skills.. but after so long nv play, today leg ache le.. nvm... at least have some fun time to kill my moodiness.
Back at school... wtf.. 1st lesson is the bloody law.. the only feeling i have now is pack my bag and leave for home.. haiz.. but i promised to come sch.. so haiz.. feel worse than shit...
no peace at all.. alot of things are in my mind...
time to save money... save save save save save.. nid to save 3k for year end.. so i think i nid to starve starve starve starve starve starve starve starve starve starve starve starve... so i will have money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money!!!! Fuck up la.. jus trying to be lame..
and killing time in 2nd meeting in school...
Hope that time can heal everything!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
DC? Die Cleaners
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
KL day one
Monday, May 12, 2008
wat a day of nirvena
so people hope u will remember CC! communication with calm and clear thinking! this is the only way to solve misunderstanding and also to fight against the special power(F)(C)(O) that i said in the chalet entry! yup. that all..
btw, i jus come out with 5name for my 5 bros.. haha they are 大,不大,中,不小,小。haha..
a note to my 6 precious ppl in sch! 大 to 小 and 爱达。。 haha... no matter what ever happen, i will be here to support you, what ever u nid help, i am here, you never walk alone for u have me(ps. da to xiao, this may sound weird but, haha really even if no girl like u all, haha u got me.. but sorry i am here as a bro.. not a lover.. haha)
haiz.. enough of mishy mushy lol... bottomline: dear bros out there, i am alway here for u if u nid, dear Important Dearest Accompany, i am right here waiting! haha.. :P here are some photo of the chalet and welcome tea!

Nice fire! but it is damn hot!

ah zhong!

are they playing 老鹰抓小鸡?

BBQ is nice!

2 gilr on the swing!

不大 learning rubic cube from 不小。to go 泡妹妹!!

Mr and Ms SOH sitting on the swing!

Setting up fire

water in the air! gravity = 0

spiderman in the red web!

some girl in green singlet acting cute! haha opps!

ZH 抢镜头!

nice cake!

wa.. it make me hungry...

boon kiat the soccer fanatic, shirt is soccer jersey and still playing soccer! haiz.. real fan..

Zhong act cute!

badminton-(imagine u can play badminton in the chalet, how small can it be)


jalan jalan at pasir ris park

gambling sia! who is the 赌神?

Fighting while playing Wii, good to destress!

mahjong, it's better than wahjong

are they acting cool?

who wan the wine?

wa.. concentrate looking at where? no la.. playing mahjong-looking at the tiles

不小 & IDA

ah long the punk and 小 the punk

punk with a tied hair.. so cool.. (like real)

world peace

why the face so funny?

yeah this is our chalet! it is damn big and damn nice!

我们手拉手,我们一起走。。 哈哈!


wat are u waiting for?

downtown east! 1/4 of the night cycling

another pit stop

nice bus stop! stuck in the rain!! getting high and getting cold

who u wanna kiss?

no childhood, so big liao still play this!

singing in the rain! 一只小雨伞!(by ah long) and many more!

why ppl like to peace/ twist?

getting the fire up

satay look so tempting

flame on

peace girl

wa... saliva coming out liao

4 person on the swing! come out now, the swing will break!!!

yin running away from Kok's chocolate hand!

playing ps2 again

eileen fail to run away!

vivien kana rape

can u spot a ghost?(jk only)

ah hui cooking marsmellow, zzz nv cook for me! haiz!

ZH no childhood, still wanna play swing!

swing is like so famous!

so many like to sit the swing

ZH finding the zz-monster liao

eileen chatting with the zz-monster

my stupid idea of cooking the chicken wing with butter in a pan! it failed!

wat are these ppl doing in the bed! SHhh.....

不大要親不小啊。。 哈哈!

my un-glam sleeping photo!

xiao ke? haha ida? gf? wateva! haha

family lunch.. they ps me, nv wake me up to eat.. haiz!!!

ah zhong, dun burst balloon la.. later the girls scream!


our garden!
ok that all, got alot more photo but if all i put then i think it will flood the blog..
so now.. back to welcome tea!

group photo!

wa.. so many ppl! 800 plus!!

playing with bottles

queueing up to go into the agora hall( the only IG that nid agora hall for meeting)